is also a most popular Online Marketplace or Freelancing Marketspace. It is one of the largest,reliable and trusted website.
Milions of Buyers and Freelancers are working here. is similar to Upwork. Its' service charge is also 10% of Your earn money.
But, It has another type of service, That is golden membership. Golden members have not to pay any service charge for their earned money.
If You want to be a golden member of this site, You have to pay 12 dollars per Month for your membership. It is not beneficial to the new users or low earning users.
It has a very interesting service. That is, You will get here some special works or jobs are called trial projects. These trial projects are preserved for new Freelancers or Coders. So, You have not to spend more time to get first job or work in this freelance marketspace.
It is a very important and good news for new commerce in this field. Because, It is very difficult to get first job in Upwork and others online marketplaces.
Now we will learn how we can create an account in
This process is very semiler to Upwork. You have to go to . Then click on REGISTER.
You will get a form for registration. Fill up the form, Write your name, Username, Email address correctly. Then click on “I am looking for work”, then click on NEXT button.
Now go to your Email inbox. You will get an email from Open the mail and confirm your email address.
Now you will get another form, fill up it and complete your profile. After completing your your profile , You can find your job.
At first, you have to search out a job you are able to do that. Then know details about the job.
If it seems suitable, You may bid for this.
Payment methods of Freelancer also like Upwork.