Online Marketplaces or Freelance Marketspace

Online Marketplaces, Freelance Marketspace

Online Marketplaces or Freelance Marketspace means Online job sectors or Online working places. 

Here, You can choose your works or jobs according to your choice. You are free to choose your job and salary here. 

If You dislike any job or if the salary is not satisfying you, You can easily change it. You have not to be someone’s beck and call here. 

There are a lot of websites on the Internet those are providing outsourcing services. Such as; Upwork, Freelancer, Elance, 99 Designs dot com etc. These web sites are called Online Marketplaces or Freelance Marketspace .

These web sites act like an agent between two type of users, One is Buyer or Client and another is Freelancer or Provider

Here, Buyer or Client is a person who submits works or jobs in the Online Marketplaces or Freelance Marketspace and mentions the job quality and salary etc. 
On the other hand, Freelancer or Provider is a person who performs jobs that are submitted by Buyer or Client. 

In the Marketplaces, Freelancers or Providers search works or jobs according to their skill first. Then see the job quality, salary, quality of buyer etc. 
If everything is OK, then apply to Buyer for this Job. 

More than one Freelancer or Provider can apply for a job. But, Buyer or Client select His/Her worker or Provider from applicants as He/She need. 

Buyers always want to hire such freelancers who has Better feedback, Better skill taste results, Nice Overview, Completed profile 100% etc. 

To be a good freelancer, You have to be a skillful person in a work or job that is Computer or Internet related. You should remember that, Your competition is with all Freelancers of the hole world. 
So, You must have to be a skillful person. 

At first, You have to decide that what kind of work You will choose. Then be expert and skillful on that. Thus Become a successful Freelancer.